From 1€ to 199€ - simple donation

contrepartie simple

- The appearance of your name on the list of donors
A list of donors will be drawn up and published both on the association's website and in BMP No 75
Donors may, however, make donations without their names being published.
- thebrochure devoted to the painting by René Xavier Prinet
If the subscription is successful, the association will publish a brochure on René Xavier Prinet's painting.

From 200€ to 499€ - support donation

contrepartie de soutien

- All awards handed out to lower levels of donations
- the eleven brochures already published :

From 500€ to 999€ - benefactor donation

contrepartie de bienfaiteur

- All awards handed out to lower levels of donations
- The agenda Marcel Proust 2021-2022 "édition blanche"

Over 1000€ - grand patron donations

contrepartie de mécène

- All awards handed out to lower levels of donations
- Combray, illustration edition (not yet published)

donate a free amount
If you already have an account on the electronic store of the association, please note this account is not valid on this donation websitee. You have the possibility, by no means obligatory, to create another account on this website for the needs of your donation.