Free amount donation

Tax included

Montant non valide.

From 1€ to 249€ - Simple donation

contrepartie simple

- Publication of your name in the list of donors.
A list of donors will be drawn up and published, both on the association's website and in BMP n°76. Donors may, however, make donations without their names being published.

250€ and above - support donation

contrepartie de soutien

- Publication of your name in the list of donors
- A copy of the book “Un amour de Proust” autographed by its author, Jean-Marc Quaranta

donate a free amount
If you already have an account on the association's online store, please note that this account is not valid on this subscription site. You have the possibility, but not the obligation, to create another account on this site specifically created for the needs of the subscription.

Specific References